Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Coming to a close...

This Month came and went quickly, but I'm ready to start some new classes. Our final project for ADG is due on Friday. The concept of the project is to pick an article title of the ones our instructor has provided, and create an article cover in Photoshop/Illustrator using what we've learned.

-Pervuian Pyramids of Mystery
-Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right ( Nintendo Memories )
-X-Prize : To the Moon and 30 Million ( An article based on the space race on the 60's )
-Toy Wonder ( Article on the popularity of toys and their evolution )
-The Lost Boy of Sudan (An article based on the unfortunate events of Sudan and how they affect the children)

I chose to the Up, Up... although it may change because I'm not perticularly impressed with how it's coming out. I'm trying to do one that represents a style I can do well, but at the same time do it around an article I find interesting. Oh well, we'll see how it develops.

Like I said it's due midnight Friday, so I'll probably update with a picture then.

Next Month is Physics( yikes! ) and Audio Design. Should be an interesting upcoming month...

Monday, February 18, 2008

3:14 AM - Layout and Object Done.

As previously mentioned, we were recently assigned a project to create an object in illustrator being as realistic as possible. I chose to do my cell phone since it's so badass :) I'll admit I didn't think replicating highlights and shadows would be time consuming, but I was proved wrong. The whole project all together took safely over 3 days to work on. The layout, including the robot arm, was done in Photoshop. Anyways, here it goes.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

DAT Projects...

I figured for the mean time, why not show off some past work?

One of my last month's classes was DAT ( Design Art and Theory ). This class focused on the fundamentals of art and what makes an interesting composition. We got a portfolio case with pencils, a sketch pad, colored pencils, markers, erasers, a ruler, brushes, acrylic paints, and lots more. We were encouraged to go crazy, get gritty and pratice some raw art.

Our first project was some basic drawing exercises -

Messy conte crayons!

Value Study... some parts of her face are messed up but pretty good for never really drawing a face before -

Then we moved onto some perspective practice... I could've used more time to shade this:

Then we moved onto some painting practice. Painting is definitely something that I found a little intimidating as I've never really tried it. I used really basic colors and just exercised brush strokes, textures, color composition, and other simplistic elements. I'd like to try painting again for sure...
Our final project was to develop a concept into a real product. Using whatever we wanted, we had to come up with a product, and market it using packaging, a poster, and a brochure ( I gave it to the teacher ). I probably could've developed this idea a bit more , but whatever, I like the skull :)

Febuary Already...

February marked my 5th month attending Full Sail. It's insane how fast time goes attending this school, but at the same time it makes sense because I've learned so much since I've arrived. Before coming here, I was extremely anxious, but I had absolutely no idea where it would take me. I wasn't even sure if I would be able to handle it. However, I can safely dismiss those worries now. In these short 5 months, I've grown to adapt to a completely new environment, live on my own, and begin a new chapter in my life. In a lot of ways it's relieving to see that I was able to make it this far. Despite the fact that I had a lot of confidence that I could do it, I also had no idea because it is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Being over 1500 miles away from the only home I knew is unreal... I was cut loose from my resources and put in a position where I have to face a lot of new challenges on my own. Every challenge adds a new piece of my character though, I can see myself changing everyday...

School this Month has been great. I've developed an awesome group of friends ( a few which are from my very first class before failing English ) which has really helped bring the comfortable atmosphere I've been used to for so long.

I'm halfway through this Month's courses which include ADG ( Advanced Computer Graphics ) and GAM ( Geometry and Measurement ). ADG primarily tightens our skills in Illustrator, and we're currently moving into Photoshop now. I'm in the process of finishing our last Illustrator assignment which was our 3D object in a 2D enviroment. I did my cell phone, and it's coming along pretty well. Along with that, we have to create a layout to put the object in which will be done in Photoshop. The whole project is due Monday, so I got to get going! I'll post pictures when I'm done...

GAM is easy - it's a blast back to Sophomore year for me. I've always sucked at Math, but show it to me enough and I'll pick up the concepts eventually. Our teacher Mr. Chu is a funny, heavy accented middle aged Asian man who does his best to teach the Pythagorean theorem to a bunch of left brained students.

I'll be adding alot more to this blog as the year develops. I want to add plenty of visual stuff to keep people up to date on what I've been creating as well. Stay tuned!