Summer is here!
It's been getting more and more hot these days, I guess thats what happens during the summer around these parts. I still haven't done too many exciting things here in Florida, but hopefully that will change this summer. I plan on taking the Month of July off to spend some time back at home and get to see all my friends again for the summer. I'm also planning on seeing some concerts this summer, it's been too long.
I had a steak for the first time in 2 months last night. Yum.
I just wrapped up MGP ( Motion Graphics Project ). For a final project we had to make a 60 second animation using video, and then take that and cut it down to 30 seconds and 15 seconds. It took me the entire 2 weeks to do it, and I'm pretty impressed with how it came out considering I've never really done animating or anything like it before. I did it on the MLG ( Major League Gaming ) curcuit since Halo 3 consumes my life these days. Not proud of it but oh well, the competitive gaming scene is actually a pretty interesting one.
Schedule for this month -
Tuesday - Web Design - 1pm-5pm Lab - (pending)
Wednesday - Developmental Psychology - 1pm-5pm Lab-5pm-9pm
Thursday - Web Design - 1pm-5pm Lab - (pending)
Friday - Developmental Psychology - 1pm-5pm Lab-5pm-9pm
Saturday - Web Design - 1pm-5pm Lab - (pending)
You know what this means! Back to good ole' 5 day a week, 8 hour days of coding, long hours, metal, energy drinks, and insomia. Can't wait!
I'm going to post the video here for you guys to see. Enjoy.
I had a steak for the first time in 2 months last night. Yum.
I just wrapped up MGP ( Motion Graphics Project ). For a final project we had to make a 60 second animation using video, and then take that and cut it down to 30 seconds and 15 seconds. It took me the entire 2 weeks to do it, and I'm pretty impressed with how it came out considering I've never really done animating or anything like it before. I did it on the MLG ( Major League Gaming ) curcuit since Halo 3 consumes my life these days. Not proud of it but oh well, the competitive gaming scene is actually a pretty interesting one.
Schedule for this month -
Tuesday - Web Design - 1pm-5pm Lab - (pending)
Wednesday - Developmental Psychology - 1pm-5pm Lab-5pm-9pm
Thursday - Web Design - 1pm-5pm Lab - (pending)
Friday - Developmental Psychology - 1pm-5pm Lab-5pm-9pm
Saturday - Web Design - 1pm-5pm Lab - (pending)
You know what this means! Back to good ole' 5 day a week, 8 hour days of coding, long hours, metal, energy drinks, and insomia. Can't wait!
I'm going to post the video here for you guys to see. Enjoy.
Labels: graffiti photo shoot funky rabbit media photography max avedisian